For love that’s joyful and uplifting, our Breezy Bayfront bouquet in cheerful yellow tones adds a burst of sunshine. With preserved roses, cotton puffs, and rustic blooms, this eco-friendly bouquet is low-maintenance—a vibrant gift that brings warmth and happiness for months.
Estimate Size:
1 to 3 stalks: 28cm (W) x 38cm (H)
4 to 6 stalks: 33cm (W) x 43cm (H)
7 to 10 stalks: 40cm (W) x 50cm (H)
1 to 3 stalks: 22cm (W) x 26cm (H)
4 to 6 stalks: 28cm (W) x 30cm (H)
7 to 10 stalks: 32cm (W) x 40cm (H)